Who Is In FrostClan


The time is coming when the two,
In all their power come
Be ready for that day, blessed day,
When your worries shall be done.

The time may be soon,
But it also may be later
So be ready, don't waver
Lest soon become later.


Please help stock the fresh-kill pile with prey.
Go on a patrol and report something. (I may include it in my story!)

If anyone has questions or comments, please post them at my den. example: names you want for apprentices becoming warriors, or if you want your kits to be apprenticed.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Story Part 31 *Three Tales*

Etharmoon paced the warriors den, anxious to get outside.
"What's the rush?" asked Blackslash, her former mentor.
"I don't know, but this winter is warmer than normal," she replied. "I guess I want to catch all the prey I can before the snows come and we're burried."
"Makes sense," meowed Blackslash. He shook himself and bounded out of the den. Etharmoon followed him.
*     *     *     *     *
"And now, we have live news coverage brought to you by your truly, me!" came the voice.
Blink blink. "I don't get it," mewed Winterfrost.
"Switching channels!" cried Shortwhisker. She pawed at the TV remote and it switched. Music was playing in the background as crowds of twolegs danced around in peculiar patterns.
"Too old fashioned," meowed Winterfrost, noticing the black and white only. "Let's find something with color."
Shortwhisker pawed at the remote again. A cat was chasing a mouse. "This is more like it!" mewed Shortwhisker. "You'll learn twoleg speak in no time!"
Winterfrost tried keeping his confusion to himself. This seems impossible...
*   *   *   *   *   *   *
The mountain peak was snowy. The light brown tomcat trudged through the high drifts. A suddenly strong gust of wind almost knocked him over, and then he plowed into a drift as high as his chest. "Mrowwwwww!" he cried. His yowl echoed around the surrounding mountains, bouncing off their peaks. The air was suddenly silent. Too silent. He looked around, and the the ground began to shake. he looked right, left, down, and then, finally, up. The top of the mountain he was climbing was shaking. No, it was sliding toward him. "Heeeeeelp!"

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