Who Is In FrostClan


The time is coming when the two,
In all their power come
Be ready for that day, blessed day,
When your worries shall be done.

The time may be soon,
But it also may be later
So be ready, don't waver
Lest soon become later.


Please help stock the fresh-kill pile with prey.
Go on a patrol and report something. (I may include it in my story!)

If anyone has questions or comments, please post them at my den. example: names you want for apprentices becoming warriors, or if you want your kits to be apprenticed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Story Part 7: Part 2 *Mysterious Fire*

As you know, Lilykit has gone to the stream, and the others are still in the nursery with Snowstar.

Lilykit suddenly awoke, and felt the chill of the moon, even though it was not full. She shivered, then remembered why she was out there. I'd best be getting back, she thought. or else the Clan will come looking for me. Her fur was dry by now, so she didn't have to worry about that. Now, all I have to do is find my way back to camp.
She picked up her own scent, and followed it all the way back to the camp, and curled up alongside her mother and siblings.

An hour later...

Winterkit awoke, and felt hungry. He trotted out of the den, and to the pile, which unfortunately happened to be non-existant. He felt like trying to hunt, so went off into the woods, leaving on a main trail where he was likely to find his way back. He opened his mouth, and ran air through it, so he could smell better. Mouse, he thought, because he smelled a mouse.
Stealthfully, he tracked it to the place where it was nibbling a seed. He dropped into a hunter's crouch and got ready to spring. Just before he sprung, however, the mouse leaped away and down a hole to it's nest. Winterkit felt vibrations in the ground, and ran to hide under some leafy covering. He was just in time, as he saw a light emerge from across the clearing. He had heard stories of fire, and how it looked, smelt and felt, burning to the touch. This light had no smell, and looked different from descriptions he had heard of it. It had no heat coming from it whatsoever.
The light came closer and closer, but it was in the air, a floating light. Winterkit crouched in the underbrush, belly to the ground, as the feared light came closer and closer. Then he noticed that a twoleg was holing it! The twoleg didn't get burned while holding the light, which confused Winterkit. The twolegs must have some kind of power over nature, even fire! he thought excitedly. I wish they could teach me! Then my Clan would be warm in the coldest of leafbare.
But that's mouse-brained, he thought. I can't communicate to them. And so he crept through the low bushes along the path, and followed it back to camp. He knew the twoleg would never find the small cat trail back to camp.
Once in camp, he curled up next to his siblings and mother, exhausted and ready to fall asleep, and had a second thought. Mouse dung! I forgot to get something to eat!



  1. Guess what the "mysterious light" is!
    Winner can choose what they want their cat to do in a part of my story.

    [if u win, see me at my den, OK.]

  2. Yay! You're right!
    Come see me at my den to tell me what you want your cat(s) to do in the story.
